This is where I keep track of all major game design developments and playtests.
For the Huandzaj conlang see this page (last updated: 8/18/2023) For narrative and story see this page (last updated 8/18/2023) For the current build see this page (last updated: 6/18/2023)
Chronicles of the Sea is an an interactive logbook in which you play as an archaeologist who has to solve the mysterious disappearance of a group or fellow archaeologists during a season of excavations on the mythical island of Huandzaj. Armed with a logbook of the lead archaeologist, excavation notes and pen, paper, scissors and glue the player solves puzzles to access new stacks of information, collecting primary source material in the undeciphered Huandzay language on their way. At the end of the game, they will receive a translation key that allow them to read these sources and reconstruct what happened to the island. Chronicles of the Sea tests the possibilities of translation based puzzle mechanics and uses the transcience and materiality of archaeological remains to tell a story about love, death, nature and the sea. The largest challenge lies in simulating the process of archaeogical discovery and language translation whilst telling a coherent story, so much of the design is focused around organizing and hiding/showing information. Players enter this game with varying degrees of linguistic knowledge, so a balance must be struck between explanatory passages, dramatic passages as well as puzzles. A second goal is to build puzzles that are intrinsically interwoven with the narrative and strengthen the themes of the story and match the story beats without obstructing the flow.
9/30/2022 Playtest system prototype V1
12/6/22 Playtest Notes 3 Goddesses Puzzle V.2
11/22/22 Meeting James Felder about Worldbuilding
12/13/22 Meeting James Felder antagonists and love stories
For narrative and story see this page.